Look at the new addition!! We are so happy to have the ability to keep everyone in a larger run when we must leave the property. I only wish I have room and energy to help more adandoned / abused dogs. But I must be firm. WE ARE FULL AND CANNOT TAKE ANOTHER DOG UNTIL WE GET A FEW ADOPTED!!!
This past week I have turned down calls from people desparate to find a home for a stray. The count for the first part of this week alone is 7 - Yep thats right - SEVEN dogs in less than one week. And this is just from the people who know about us. Please Plesase Please make animal control an issue in Livingston Parish. Call the council members and the policy jury (because they control the purse strings) and let them know we need some help. To bring a dog into my system takes money - $150.00 to make sure the animal gets properly immunized, free of parasites, and neutered. This does not include any medical issues that need treatment. A dog with mange, an injury, a skin infection, or intestinal issues can run up the bill dramatically.
I know we may face a situation where the animals enter into a parish shelter and then be euthanized when their time is up. I HATE THAT THOUGHT. But what I hate even more is a dog straving to death in a slow and painful way because it has been dumped. I hate seeing a dog mangled on the side of the road because some one dumped it. I hate seeing puppies so thin and sick from parvo because some owner didn't protect them from the deadly disease and then get dumped beside of the road like trash. If a dog gets to the a shelter then we have a chance to save them. Dogs dumped have no chance! They will die. Much of this can be totally avoided by an aggressive spay/neuter program. We need to make this a priority. Education and an affordable price is the key to making sure we get as many dogs/cat spay or neutered as possible. COME ON PEOPLE - LET'S WORK ON THIS TOGETHER!!!!
Okay, I've vented long enough - I have to clean up after EIGHT puppies.
PLEASE COME TO THE MEETING TONIGHT AT THE SPRINGFIELD / ALBANY LIBRARY. 6:30 pm - Call me if you have any questions. 225-772-8836
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