This past week has been a flurry of activity. First was the cold snap that led to providing wind breaks for dogs, donkeys, rabbits, etc. I have used every tarp I had in the barn!
The fence project is coming along. As you can see we desperately needed a new fence around the large dog kennels. The goat fencing works well for medium size dogs, but the larger ones have pushed on it so much that I didn't trust it anymore. It wasn't a huge issue because the outer yard is fenced, but sometimes I do need to separate the play areas! Work began on the new 6' high commercial grade chain link fence around the large dog exercise area. They will have a 75' x 30' yard all to themselves!
The best news of the week:
MAX has a new forever home!
It is always exciting to place a puppy in a home with children. Both dog and kids are old enough to enjoy one another so they should have a very Merry Christmas this year. A lovely family from Lafayette opened their home and hearts to Max. From the looks of the photos, every is happy.
This is what keeps me going - everyone wins in this situation!
Sunday Morning Panic!
The wind blew the gate open and two of my personal dogs got out! The big white husky mix, Nikki, likes to roam but always comes back. However, I was afraid that her running mate, Roman, a Dane/Lab mix, would not follow her home. For five long painful hours I searched. I decided I needed to tend to the rest of the critters on the farm. As I was feeding the goats I heard Roman's deep throaty bark. I called him and he came a running. Because he has a plate in his right foreleg and he limps, he was really tired when he finally came inside. He was such a good boy to let me give him a sponge bath . I really don't like swamp water in the house! I have this love/annoyance relationship with Roman. He started out as a foster dog. He needed surgery on him leg so the shelter needed a home where he could heal inside. Well, the surgery was complicated and his recovery was long. He spent 6 months in a crate in my living room. (my tiny living room!) He could be an absolute love one day and a real pain the next. He managed to tear up so many beds that I quit counting. He tore at his dressings requiring numerous changes, he barked and whined because he wanted to play. We've been through a lot, so when I thought I might have lost him I was more upset that I expected. To make matters worse, I had left a choke chain on him for the few minutes while he was in the exercise yard to go potty. My biggest fear was that he would get caught in the woods or under a fence and he would choke to death. I know better! Never, Never, Never, leave a choke chain on an unattended dog - even if it is only for a few minutes. Thanks be to God that he returned safe and sound!
This is Nikki the loving house dog!
This is Nikki the SWAMP DOG! Look at those dirty paws!